The Book of Genesis has toured extensively throughout the UK and Europe, focussing on the "classic" Gabriel/Hackett period of Genesis songs from 1970’s Trespass through to 1976’s Wind & Wuthering. Visit their website here:

I have to admit a connection here as frontman Nige Betteridge is a close friend and the father of my son-in-law Jack and the three of us have our own band. In addition, I’ve been a fan of Genesis since the mid-Seventies and was fortunate enough to see them at Earl’s Court in 1977 during the recording of the Seconds Out double live album.

It’s been a privilege to have been given ‘access all areas’ status with The Book of Genesis and, having covered a few of their gigs over the last few years, I became the bands’ official photographer in 2024. My aim is to give an authentic ‘Band’s-eye’ view of each gig which means seeking out vantage points back-stage, in the wings and sometimes in tiny spaces high above the stage. There’s a lot of running around involved as well as concentrating on the many and various technical challenges in photographing their gigs with the camera always set on Manual. It’s all worth it though because I get to see and hear superb renditions of songs such as Nursery Cryme and Suppers’ Ready for free!